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Gravesend Goddesses

Pre-admission medical form

Before admission to our classes you will need to fill out the medical form below, this is a legal requirement to ensure your own safety and instructor advisories for you to be able to participate as safely as possible.

Any severe or complex medical conditions may need to be signed off by your GP before admission.

Failure to inform instructor of pre-existing conditions or injuries on this form may result in over exertion and potential injury, which they will not be held liable for.


The information contained on this form is held in strict confidentiality, it will only be used in emergency situations and to guide the instructor on any necessary changes or safety matters.

These forms are renewed annually from the date signed or if your health condition changes.

All documentation is held on archive for 6 years from date signed.

Gravesend Goddesses

Media Consent Form

Within the classes there are times where routines and scenes are filmed, group and individual photos are taken. These may be used on social media and website media eg. Facebook, instagram and Tiktok to promote the class and any events undertaken.

If you are filming for your own individual use, no more than 60 seconds of footage may be posted. This is due to the copyrights of not only the routines themselves but also the copyright of the music artists. Any footage found longer than 60 seconds posted publicly will be subject to copyright infringement. Your instructor can assist you in editing your videos to within the boundaries.

If found to be passing routines off as your own and not crediting the original choreographer, or sharing to non-affiliated groups/ schools; you will be banned from taking part in classes.

Below are 3 options of media consent for you to choose from , for your own preference and comfort
I wish to opt out of all filming and photos, I do not consent to have my image posted privately or publicly
I wish to only have my photos and videos posted on the Gravesend Goddesses PRIVATE class groups
I am happy to be filmed and photographed, also for it to be posted PUBLICLY as advertisement for the class and events

Please choose one of the above

You are able to change your consent option at any time, but please note that if you choose to go down from public consent to private or none, any past public posts will still be visable to others. You will not be featured in any future public posts and advertisements.

On this occurrence you will need to fill in and submit a new form.

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